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About Pierre Christoph Poyault

In my 15-year career in digital product development, I have gained extensive experience in strategy work and team leadership. I have built and led product operations teams in several companies.

I rely on cross-functional insights about customers, users and markets to achieve strategic clarity and measurable success.

I have the privilege of coaching and inspiring leaders and their teams with a variety of interactive trainings and workshops. I mainly work for NGOs, start-ups, scale-ups, small and medium-sized companies in the areas of strategy development, team development, working methods and leadership skills.

My strength is facilitating complex discussions, ensuring group engagement and uniting diverse groups towards a common goal. This is how I bring a breath of fresh air into your working environment.

I’ve often seen teams become more productive but still feel they’re working on the wrong problems. Peter Drucker’s quote, „There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all,“ deeply resonated with me. My experience in product development and curiosity about how work connects across an organization made me realize that strategy is my strength – and my way to drive meaningful change.

When organizations work with clarity and focus, they make better decisions, create lasting value, and inspire others to do the same. At scale, this ripple effect has the potential to make work more meaningful and impactful everywhere.

I am an activator who makes things happen by turning thoughts into action. I rally people to get unified around an idea and help them feel that they can move forward.

I am a thematic, quick and strategic thinker. I provide clarity on the why. My ability to see how all the pieces fit together allows me to tie all the individuals into one whole.

I am decisive, direct, clear, logical, persuasive and present. I bring emotional clarity to a team to be realistic and honest. I’m an open book and build trust and clarity with it.

I’ve lived in Berlin since 2010. I’m an active father of three. I love learning new things and developing myself. Exercise, physical, mental, and emotional, is vital to me, so I practice yoga regularly and play drums. I enjoy experiencing nature and value climate protection.

My values for more strategic work, as well as more customer proximity, led me to product management. Because “there is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” (Peter F. Drucker)

Product Operations empowers product organizations to collectively, effectively and efficiently drive the most meaningful outcomes for customers. In three ScaleUps and one corporation, I have taught, introduced and improved strategic and customer-centric methods for product strategies, success indicators, product planning, user research and product communication.

In 2023 I co-authored the Product Operations Manifesto.

In my studies, I learned to analyze the design of organizations and their leadership, products, culture and network to uncover and address potential for improvement.

Systems theory literature informed my belief that what is created by people can also be changed, improved, or made more human.

In searching for employers who value people and their productive collaboration, I became a team coach in digital product development.